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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Everyone's Welcome at Woodstock

Last week, was Everyone's Welcome at Woodstock week with all year groups learning about healthy lifestyles:

During EYFS’s ‘My body and Growing Up’ unit, children were washing dolls in the water tray to demonstrate why it is important to keep our bodies clean. They sang songs to help them understand and value what their bodies can do, as well as taking part in a writing activity where they had to write what healthy foods they like to eat.

Year 1
During Year 1’s Relationships, Living and Growing’ unit, the children were having great fun learning about how to keep themselves clean. They used glitter to show how germs can be passed on easily, from one person to another, if they didn’t keep their hands clean.

Year 3
During Year 3’s ‘Personal Safety’ EWAW week, the children discussed the differences between good and bad tricks, good and bad secrets and they also discussed what a bribe was.

Year 4
During Year 4’s ‘Relationships, Living and Growing and Mangaing Change’ units, the children discussed ideas of what helps them to deal with difficult emotions, as well as thinking of ideas that are unhelpful. They then read a book called ‘Rainy Day,’ in which Ned spends a day with his Dad, who has recently moved into a new flat. The children then discussed which ideas from the list that they gathered, could be useful for Ned, who is having to adjust to a dfferent family situation and is missing his Dad. 

Year 5
During Year 5’s ‘Relationships, Living and Growing’ EWAW week, the children explored a variety of hygiene products. Working in pairs they had to discuss what they were, what they were used for and who might they be used by as they go through puberty. 

Written by Mr Weaver

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